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Getting rich quickly

Sorry, statistically it's not going to happen. In fact if you try to employ aggressive and leveraged investment strategies you are much more likely to lose all you have. Some people do succeed however, just like some people win at casinos or win the lottery. I wouldn’t recommend going that way even if I do advocate using a fairly small percentage of your investment funds for speculation.

We all seek fast money, it's human nature. There is nothing fundamentally wrong thinking that way, ultimately that primordial push for success is behind many of the great things we have created as a species.

Rationality and slow money requires discipline and it requires thinking in probabilities. See, I would like you to start thinking in probabilities. You will certainly make many wrong investment decisions, however by dealing in probabilities, the likelihood of making one is greatly reduced.

How will reading these articles help me

“I will help you understand the macro framework. From there, just like going down a funnel, we can identify interesting areas of investment. Going one level deeper we will look at single companies or sectors. Ultimately we will work on understanding how to time investments to maximize return.

Solely my opinion, not investment advice

I want to make clear that all I write is for education purposes only. I am not providing investment advice. I will be frank and let you know what I am thinking, why and what I am doing about it. As you learn and follow along, I am confident you will start seeing opportunities by yourself and then my job will be done. You will be on your way to financial freedom.



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topics because it's my passion. My goal is to provide information in 

the most understandable way possible and help you secure your financial 

freedom while doing it. 

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